Thursday, July 3, 2008

This is a Test: Coconut Juice

My Little Guy loves to try new things. Once he decides he wants to try something he won't quit talking about it. About two years ago he discovered coconut soda at the store. He found it in the Mexican section of our grocery and he LOVES it. Now, my husband who loves coconut detests it, but Little Guy thinks it is the greatest treat when I buy him a couple of bottles and put them in the refrigerator. A few weeks ago he saw a can of coconut juice and he just decided he wanted to try it. So when we were buying snacks I told him that we would buy a can for him to try. When we poured it into the cup he was very surprised that there were little pieces of coconut floating in the cup.

The moment of truth....

"Mom, this is definitely not coconut soda! Do they really drink this stuff on Survivor?"

So where is the can of coconut juice? Here... in the door of the refrigerator. You know how I feel about wasting. So any ideas on what you can cook with coconut juice?

1 comment:

Webmaster said...

You could probably mix it in when you cook a white cake mix for a richer flavor.