Sunday, August 3, 2008

Recipe for a Happy Marriage

1 cup consideration
1 cup courtesy
2 cupfuls flattery carefully concealed
1 gallon faith and trust in each other
2 cupfuls praise
1 small pinch of in-laws
1 reasonable budget, a generous dash of cooperation
3 teaspoon pure extract of "I'm sorry"
1 cup contentment
1 cup each confidence and encouragement
1 large or several small hobbies
1 cup blindness to the other's faults

Flavor with frequent portions of recreation and a dash of happy memories. Stir well and remove any specks of jealousy, temper or criticism. Sweeten well with generous portions of love and keep warm with a steady flame of devotion. Never serve with cold shoulder.


Live.Love.Eat said...

This is one recipe I need to learn how to make off the top of my head more often!!!

Deanna said...

My husband read this recipe and cracked up when he read it.

Anonymous said...

Great recipe -- I linked to it from my blog!

Deanna said...

Thanks, Willow!!